Business Own Corporation

Global Administrators for Teams        

Press Release - With Forwad Looking Statements


Business own corporation – G.A (BizOwn inc),, July 11, 2023, a leading provider of socio, business & professional development solutions known for the high-quality legal, business and financial documents which can be created on any device with an internet connection, is officially launching its new domain name, www dot octahedge dot com...Read More

About us

We are introducing to people tools that tackle all the elements required for their business, legal and financial advocates, using pre-formatted cutting-edge forms to create any legal, business and financial document/s in a manner which is both efficient and uncomplicated. The MIND Repository (or Corporate Document Library) was created with the desire of removing hindrances that are currently between the financial, business & legal world and the people or businesses that need these services to be available to them in a manner that is not only desirable but also convenient...Read more


14-day money back guarantee. Risk-free, you can cancel at anytime.


Sufficient for startups and new 


Teams less than ten <10

$100 USD/pm


For growing businesses


Teams less than ninety <99

$1000 USD/pm


For businesses with large  operations and 

customer base

Teams of more than  hundred >100 ≤ 500

$4000 USD/pm

MIND Repository 

Legal, Financial & Business repository

To start writing you corporate document: Access Now

Most Popular Document

Company Legal Information Query for Audit Purposes

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Cession of Priority of Rank Agreement

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Action By Written Consent Of Stockholders

a written statement that describes and validates a course of action taken by the shareholders. Every enterprise with more than one shareholder uses an Action by written consent of shareholders in handling the business of the companyRead more

Adhesion to Unanimous Shareholder Agreement

This document is meant to limit or withdraw, in whole or partly, the powers of a corporation’s board members. Much more than a mere contract, a unanimous shareholder agreement permits the shareholders to depart from the legislated internal governance rules applicable to business of the companyRead more

September 2023

The MIND Project

A nonprofit offering whose objective is to see businesses and professionals, including any person without professional, or specialized writing knowledge, to be able to write proficient and comprehensive business documents, that adhere to professional competency requirements. It is our believe that, the informal training provided through this platform, will allow the most disadvantaged persons to bring networking, and collaboration opportunities that allow for growth, closer to them.

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